Job fair Deggendorf 2022

Schulzentrum Deggendorf Egger Str. 30, Deggendorf, Bayern, Deutschland

Visit us at the JOB FAIR DEGGENDORF 2022 on 08.10.2022! Companies, institutions, chambers, technical schools and institutes of various directions again offer broad career orientation opportunities for school leavers of the next years. No matter if handicraft, trade, service, industry, technical schools or institutes - the cross-sector recruiting concept offers career opportunities for all qualifications....


Campus of the OTH Seybothstraße 2, Regensburg, Deutschland

Visit us at the CONNECTA 2022 on 26.10.2022! CONNECTA is THE company contact fair in Regensburg and has been held once a year since 1996. The fair has established itself as a meeting point between business, social institutions and students. Every year, more than 200 companies take the opportunity at CONNECTA to make contact with...