All posts by: Simon Goliasch

On Monday, 03 October 2022, the 3rd ILE-Gäubodenlauf took place in Leiblfing. Sports enthusiasts could let off steam in 1 km, 2 km, 5 km and 10 km runs or......
On Monday, 05.09.2022, the Sturm-Gruppe received member of the state parliament Josef Zellmeier, senior student director (ret.) Hans Käfler as well as Reinhard Böckl, the chairman of the state committee......
On 01 September 2022, 17 new apprentices, including five dual students, started their professional life at the Sturm-Gruppe in Salching: Three industrial mechanics, two technical product designers, three electronics technicians,......
True to the motto “It’s what you want that counts!”, four young women with a passion for technology were given the opportunity to delve deeper into the world of crafts......
from left Manuel Wagner (Business Unit Manager TST), Marc Kesting, Marco Janker, Matthias Limmer, Wolfgang Schütz   On Monday, April 25, 2022, the outstanding performance of our two master’s graduates......
From left: Simon Obermaier, Emily Schinabeck, Michaela Kerscher (trainee project team Sturm-Gruppe) Matthias Altmann (department manager human resources and training Sturm-Gruppe) and Moritz Hoque (team leader training Sturm-Gruppe) finishing the......
Back row from left to right: Michael Knott, Patrick Ammer; front row from left to right: Elmar Lanzinger, Michael Alzinger, Kai Osthoff, Martin Jakob   On Wednesday, 09.02.2022, the four......
Matthias Eigenstetter (third from left) received the Wilfried Ensinger Award for the best bachelor thesis. Also in the picture Professor Dr. Wolfgang Aumer, Klaus Ensinger and the proud parents (from......